The Good Mother!
We’ve got the epitome of one of the characters from Viz Magazine’s Fat Slags on our street. This woman has two sons from two husbands and now sleeps with anyone who shows interest in her obese form. She is fat enough to waddle and an effervescent powder would be an aid for accuracy during sex. But her looks only allow me to paint a picture, what riles me is the lack of regard for her children’s sensibilities.
Still in her twenties and just recently left the 2nd husband, this marriage lasted 10 months and included a fling with the doorman from the local nightclub; she has already brought home one boyfriend 20 years her senior. Needless to say that relationship didn’t last and only served only to confuse the children even more. Next came a married man who, promised to, but of course didn’t leave his wife!
A scrubber and a user, and naïve to boot!
She doesn’t bother to work even though her two sons attend school. All finances like income support, tax credits, child allowance are, off course, claimed from the government. Top this off with maintenance from the fathers and money is not a problem.
This slapper thinks everything is fine!!! The children have been uprooted and are unsure what is going on. The local council now pays her rent; she left a perfectly fine house, happy family and working husband just to satisfy her sexual desires.
This self-centred bitch has wrecked two families and attempted to destroy a 3rd. How the hell can she get away with this, the boys will be scarred for life and she just keeps on shagging.
We all know where I’m going with this. This woman thinks she’s a good mother! The children are so confused they don’t know what’s going on. How the hell can this woman get away with this! Surely any action that threatens the well being of the family cannot be deemed good parenting.
England is rife with sexually promiscuous young single mothers. To leave school early and get pregnant is the norm. The government makes it easy for them, offering all kinds of financial support. In fact the more children the better off they are.
I've got a bikeYou can ride it if you like
Pink Floyd 1967